STEP 1: Head to and create an account by clicking Join Now. If you already have an account, click “Login Here” link and you will be redirected to the screen. Enter your email and password. Click Sign In.

STEP 2: You will land into a page like one below. Look for the Register of Tradeswomen under Apps & Add-ons.
STEP 3: After clicking the Register of Tradeswomen icon, you will be taken to a page that explains the terms and conditions and how it works. Click ‘’ACCEPT’’ at the bottom to agree with terms and condition and privacy policy.

STEP 4: The next steps ask you to ANSWER FOUR QUESTIONS.
The first question asks you to select your trade (e.g. Bricklayer/Plumber/Electrician etc). Click the dropdown arrow to choose. Then click the arrow inside the red circle down the page for the next question.
STEP 5: The second question lets you choose the type of Registration you are seeking. Choose from the checkboxes and click the arrow at the end of page to complete. Once done, press the arrow again at the bottom to proceed. If you choose "Employed and Unable to Work" you do not need to upload any documents later in the process but please confirm your location.
STEP 6: The third question asks your location. Click the blank field under Select Location(s) here for the dropdown to appear. You can type the first letters of the place in the space provided and it will appear from the list or you can opt to scroll down. Please choose all the areas you would like to accept work from. Click the arrow to proceed.

STEP 7: The fourth question asks your gender. Select from the dropdown and click the check button at the bottom to proceed.
STEP 8: You will be directed to the following page. Click "CLICK TO CONTINUE" to complete your profile and be referred for work.
You must complete at least 1 item of information in each section to be eligible for referral to jobs and you MUST upload a copy of your Public Liability Insurance in the Background Checks section.
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