* Additional tests under Serology in the Immunisation Types List
* Gender and Join Date included in the generated People Report
* Date Signed required when adding vaccination record with Medical Contraindication/Declined Status
* Status in the Immunisation Bulk Upload as New Required Field
* Consent in the Immunisation Bulk Upload as New Required Field
* Success message after Onboarding/Bulk Upload
* Onboarding/Bulk Upload New Limit
* New Filter in Reports (Date Range)
* Address Fields Required when at least one is entered
* New Vaccination types listed in the Most Used Category
Additional tests under Serology in the Immunisation Types List
New Test Results in the Immunisation Types List: Measles Serology, Varicella Serology, Tuberculosis Serology, and Covid Rapid Antigen.
Covid-19 test is also renamed as COVID PCR.
Gender and Join Date included in the generated People Report
Two new columns in the generated People Report: Gender and Join Date.
Date Signed required when adding vaccination record with Medical Contraindication/Declined Status
When adding a staff's vaccination record with either Medical Contraindication or Declined Status, a new field has been made as required. User must enter Date Signed. For records without date, user can simply put the date record has been entered in Comply.
This is also true when doing Immunisation Bulk Upload. You can put the Date Signed in the Date Administered column.
Status in the Immunisation Bulk Upload as New Required Field
When doing the Immunisation Bulk Upload, your spreadsheet should include now the Status column and you can put Valid/Medical Contraindication/Declined.
Consent in the Immunisation Bulk Upload as New Required Field
The Immunisation Bulk Upload has been updated to require Consent as a new required field. Consent can be Yes or No. At the moment, these are the required fields when uploading your vaccination records: Email, Vaccination Type, Country, Date Administered (Date Signed), Status and Consent (which are highlighted in blue from the image below).
*Download the new Immmunisation Bulk Upload template at the bottom of this page.
Renaming Zip Code and City
The Zip Code has been changed to Post Code and City to Town/Suburb. Updates visible in Staff's Profile page and Onboarding/Bulk Update for address.
Success message after Onboarding/Bulk Upload
After successful onboarding or doing bulk upload, a message pops up to inform user that it has been successfully completed before redirecting user to the Onboarding Page. Note: Processing may take a short while to happen from the background. We recommend checking the data after 3 minutes.
Searchable Drop Down
Applied a search feature in the drop downs for the fields below:
Staff's Profile
1. Adding Staff - Job Title, Country
2. Adding Qualification - Qualification Type
3. Adding Employment - Job Title
4. Adding Residency - Type, Country
5. Adding Registration - Category, Country
6. Adding Immunisation - Country
7. Adding Language - Language
8. Adding CPD - Subject
Onboarding/Bulk Upload New Limit
System has increased the limit in the records you can do for Onboarding or bulk upload. From 200, it is now up to 1000 records. Note: that is one record per staff.
New Filter in Reports (Date Range)
A new filter in Reports is available. For Compliance, Residency, CPD and Immunisation modules, Date Range has been added. You can now limit your search based on dates criteria.
Address Fields Required when at least one is entered
In the Staff's Profile, when adding one, Address fields (Address Line 1, City, State, Post Code) are now required if you have at least entered information on one field e.g Post Code.
New Vaccination types listed in the Most Used Category
You can enter and save records now in the system for Pfizer Covid Dose 03, AstraZeneca COVID Dose 03 and Moderna Spikevax Dose 03. These are listed at the top portion of the immunisation drop down (Most Used Category).
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