For organisations with a number of Job Roles for their people, rather than entering them one by one in the system settings. bulk upload the list of job roles.
Important: Check for existing job role naming conventions within your organisation. Prepare your spreadsheet containing all these existing job roles.
Below is an example of an excel file. (Download the template at the bottom of this page).
Here are the steps for doing the bulk upload:
Step 1: From your Dashboard, go to Settings in the sidebar.

Step 2: Go to the People Setup Tab and click the Job Roles tile.
Step 3: You will be redirected to this page below. Click the Bulk Upload button.
Step 4: Upload your file. Then press Preview.
Step 5: You may select the Type/Sector on which you want the Job Roles to appear only. If not necessary, just hit the Submit button.
Step 6: A pop-up message will appear confirming the successful bulk upload. Click Close.
The added roles will be shown on the list and will appear on all Job Role drop-downs.
Here is a video on how to do the process
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