Once the worker fills out and submits the form, it will go to the Form Submissions Page.
Note: You will also be notified in the system for the submission. Just check the Notification section at the top right corner of the page (bell icon).
To manage the submission, follow the instructions below:
Step 1: Go to bella.onepassport.co
Step 2: Click on Form Submissions from the sidebar.
Step 3: Under Asset Form Tab, you can check on the submission from the worker. And in the Manage buttons, you can either View (Eye icon), Accept (Check icon), Edit (Pen Icon) or Ignore/Delete.
Step 4: For example, clicking View will open off-canvas like one below. Click x button to close it.
Step 5: To accept asset form submission, click the check icon.
Step 6: Click Accept on the confirmation message.
Step 7: If the worker has submitted other forms, you may view the list by clicking View Related Submissions button.
Step 8: An off-canvas will open to show the other related submissions. In this case, Yurim Song has submitted Consent, Immunisation and Dynamic forms as well. Click in x button to close.
Step 9: Based on the fact above, you can check on the other Tabs like Consent.
Step 10: Under manage column, you may view, accept and delete submission. Click check icon to accept.
Step 11: Click OK to confirm accepting submission.
Step 12: Next, you may go to the Immunisation Tab and see immunisation form submission.
Step 13: For example, the asset has submitted 3 Immunisation records, you can simply tick those.
Step 14: Click on Bulk Accept.
Step 15: Click Bulk Accept button on the pop up message.
Step 16: Click on Ok.
Step 17: Then click on Dynamic Tab to see submission.
Step 18: Same action buttons appear in the Manage column. You may view, accept, edit, or ignore submission.
Step 19: Click on Check icon to accept.
Step 20: Click Accept on the confirmation message.
Step 21: The form submissions accepted will be displayed in the Asset's Profile page.
Here is a video on how to do the process.
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