A new worker can submit personal details to the organisation's Comply using the Self-Onboarding feature.
Comply Admins can create and send a unique link (organisation-specific) to an individual. This link contains a form that includes an organisation-specific questionnaire. Individuals have to fill it out and when submitted, it is saved into their system record.
Watch this video to learn how to create an Asset Form.
Below are the detailed steps for the Super Admin/Admin user to generate a self-onboarding form:
1. Click "Settings"
Click on the "Settings" option in the application.
2. Click "Employment Self-Service Manage Self Service Forms"
Navigate to the "Employment Self-Service Manage Self Service Forms" section in the application.
3. Click the Create button
Click on the specified location in the application.
4. Asset is selected by default in the Form Type Dropdown.
5. Click "Create"
Click on the "Create" button.
6. Provide a "Name" for the Form
Select the "Name" field.
7. For example, we can enter Asset Form for New Workers. Click on Asset Type (Can be renamed e.g., Department/Sector/Unit) field. This is not mandatory. Only applicable if you want to change the Asset Type wording in the form, e.g. to be shown as Department.
8. Under the Fields section, the required fields are already pre-selected and you cannot modify these. But if you wish to require other fields like Work Category, just tick the checkbox.
Click on the "on" button.
9. Click "Submit" button once done.
10. Click "Ok" on the success pop-up message
Click on the "Ok" button.
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